Is your idea worth BUILDING
or is it a BUST?
Startup Idea EV Calculator
Evaluate your startup idea's potential using Expected Value (EV) calculation
Idea Details
Describe your startup idea briefly
Evaluate your startup idea's potential using Expected Value (EV) calculation
Describe your startup idea briefly
Estimate the time and costs associated with building your product
Typical MVP takes 2-4 weeks (80-160 hours)
Value your time appropriately (e.g., $100-$1000/hour)
Include any external costs (e.g., software licenses, contractors)
Estimate the time and costs for marketing and validating your idea
Include time for strategy, content creation, and outreach
Value your marketing time appropriately
Typically $2k-$5k for initial validation
Estimate the chances and potential profits for a moderate success outcome
Typically around 10-20%
e.g., $1k/month for 18 months = $18k
Estimate the chances and potential profits for a huge success outcome
Typically 2-5% for big wins
e.g., $10k/month for 18 months = $180k
EV helps you decide if a project is worth pursuing. A positive EV suggests it might be worth the effort.
You might want to reconsider this idea. The expected value is negative, suggesting potential losses.
Calculation Breakdown:
Build Cost: $0.00
Marketing Cost: $0.00
Total Costs: $0.00
Moderate Success EV: $0.00
Huge Success EV: $0.00
Failure Chance: 0.00%
Failure EV: $0.00
Expected Value = $0.00 + $0.00 + ($0.00) = $0.00
Remember, this is based on estimates. Always consider other factors and do thorough market research before making a decision.